Bird poo is acidic and bad for paintwork (Picture iStock/Gorica Poturak)
Many of us think of winter as being the most testing season for cars. But actually summer throws up just as many challenges. Here we look at some of the main ones and offer some handy summer motoring hacks that will help you to preserve your car’s value and ensure safe, comfortable and trouble-free motoring.
Turn up the air con to max for our cunning quiz (Picture iStock/Bernie-Photo)
We take air conditioning for granted now that it’s fitted in even the cheapest cars. But how much do you actually know about it? And will some of our questions about what keeps you cool make you all hot and bothered? Take our air conditioning quiz to find out.
Follow our tips and this could be you enjoying your family car trip (Picture iStock/petrenkod)
With restrictions in the UK lifting and school holidays approaching, increasing numbers of us will be hitting the road. And that means our cars will be getting a serious work out.
Our five summer tips are designed to ensure they – and you – cope with the miles you cover comfortably, reliably and above all safely.
Carry out our checks to help ensure a trouble-free trip (Picture iStock/Solovyova)
Now’s the time when most of us are either going away or preparing for our summer break. And it’s when our cars come into their own as a trusty family workhorse. Below are six basic summer car checks you can carry out. They’ll only take a couple of minutes and will ensure your car performs safely and reliably while you’re away.
If you’re worried about anything, don’t hesitate to book your car in for some professional attention. Alternatively, you could take your car for one of Green Flag’s free vehicle health checks. But in the first instance, read on to see the six summer checks I think you should perform.