Take the quiz and see whether you can identify our dozen dashboard warning lights.
We learn how to drive, repeat the mantra ‘mirror, signal, manoeuvre’ and remember what road signs mean. But how many drivers know their car’s dashboard warning lights?
It’s important to heed any warning flagged up on your dashboard. Typically, they give drivers the opportunity to have a mechanical or electrical problem investigated and repaired by a garage, before it becomes serious enough to cause lasting damage to a car.
So, it’s well worth knowing what those warning lights mean. Take our quiz now to see how much you know.












Carmakers use a common colour scheme that, much like traffic lights, uses green to indicate all is well, amber to give an advisory signal that may require further investigation, and red to show a serious problem that needs investigation as soon as safely possible.
Whatever the warning, from you needing to put on your seat belt, to your oil levels being low, they all matter. But, as different cars feature different mechanical and electronic systems, it’s worth checking your vehicle’s handbook to learn all the warning lights unique to your vehicle. It’s time well spent and it could save you from serious trouble further down the road.
This quiz was originally published on 13.05.2016.
Try another quiz: Can you guess the Green Flag tools and beat Joe Swash’s score?
Great quizzes and we should all be monitory tested every five years with a 70% pass or fail rate so as to keep our roads safe
Very enjoyable, and informative,especialy liked the car badge identification.
Quite surprised at how many I new.
Not sure if mine have any of those in the first place. How can I be expected to know warning signs that my car doesn’t have?
By keeping up with changes take the trouble to look at new cars in the show rooms or internet research dont just gamble
i did a horrible test i hate myself ugh.