Updated 02 November.
Earlier in the year, MOT expiry dates were extended by six months for certain vehicles.
The extension is only for vehicles that had an MOT due between 30 March 2020 and 31 July 2020.
But, what does this extension actually mean? And what about MOTs due from 01 August onwards? Here’s everything you need to know.
If your MOT was due between 30 March and 31 July
You would have had a six-month extension from the date your MOT was due.
So, if your MOT was due on 01 April, you had an extension until 01 October. If it was due on 01 July, you have until 01 January.
Garages are still open, so make sure you’ve booked your MOT if your extension date is coming up.
Whether you’ve had your MOT or if it’s coming up soon, make sure your vehicle is always in a safe and roadworthy state. If it isn’t, you could face a fine, points, and even a driving ban.
Visit the GOV website to find out if your vehicle is safe to drive.
If your MOT’s due on or after 01 August
There is no extension for your vehicle’s MOT. So, you have to proceed like you usually would and book an MOT by your due date.
You can find out if your MOT is due by clicking here.
The Government advises that you should not get an MOT if you or someone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms, or if you’ve been told to isolate by NHS Test and Trace. Wait until after your isolation period, then arrange your MOT.
Whichever category your vehicle sits in, it’s crucial that you follow the rules. Here at Green Flag, we can only help you if your vehicle is up to date with its MOT, or if it’s currently in the 6-month extension period.
To keep up to date with all the latest guidelines, regularly check the Government website.
A very useful article. Very helpful. Thank you.
I canot see what all the fuss is Kwik Fit have doing MOTs so I do not see why MOTs should be extended,Mine is due early Sept. 2020My usual garage is open
Thanks for your MOT note. I had forgotten the amount of the extension.
Because Joe people were to frightened to take their cars just in case the caught Covid, plus My wifes normal garage was shut .
Very useful to know, thank you
Many thanks for your explanation of the MOT regulation change. You’ve made it a lot clearer for those of us who have to shield.
Thanks for the clarity, appreciated
My MOT was due 7th July, but I still managed to get it done by my local garage, which is open for business for doing them. All vehicles due should have them done now or be only given a maximum of 3 months leeway. I could of waited until January but would rather have made sure my vehicle was roadworthy before the winter
Good advise and information. Thank you.
Thank you for the advice. My MO T is due on 2 August. I had it done today, 31 July. No trouble, no social distancing necessary.
You do need to remember that if you have an extended MOT due to COVID19, if you take your vehicle for a test and your car fails, that is the end of your extension.
Thank you for the up to date info, my car is not due until October so extensions will not effect what I do.
Those of us who are self isolating or shielding don’t want to go anywhere that isn’t absolutely necessary. Some part of the public may be happy to act as if covid doesn’t exist but I am very glad I don’t have to worry about getting my car MOT’D at present.
Very good and useful; thank you.
You don’t see much on the “internet” these days which is not after your money one way or another.
This is one of the very few and I thoroughly appreciate it
Useful info. Thanks
Thank you your advice is very much appreciated,
You can readily check on the MOT Test and Road Tax section of the gov.uk.website. Just enter your vehicle reg and it’ll show you the expiry dates of each.
It seems unfair that if you have an MOT due 01st Aug you must get one within the month, Yet if you were due an MOT on the 31st July, you have an extension until 01st Jan 2021, The mind boggles
Thankyou. As usual, government advice very vague. Can breathe easy a bit longer
Thanks, but I have only just read this and I got my MOT as usual. Is it just tough luck?
I live in CoDurham which as from midnight on wednesday will be going into lockdown again,can I still take my car NL65 CSX black Renault Megane to the testing station for M.O.T.on 6th October.
Can I cross a covid restricted border for an MOT