Black ice: avoid a white-knuckle ride with this expert’s driving tips

Black ice: avoid a white-knuckle ride with this expert’s driving tips

Black ice is the most dangerous natural hazard drivers face on the road. Speak to anyone that’s encountered it and they will tell you it sends a shiver down their spine just thinking about it.

Many parts of Britain are currently experiencing harsh winter weather. However, with some sensible precautions, driving on black ice doesn’t have to be a white-knuckle ride.

We asked Paul Ripley to explain how drivers can safely tackle the often-invisible danger. One of Britain’s most respected advanced driving instructors, Ripley has coached police forces, vehicle engineers and thousands of drivers looking to improve their skills behind the wheel. Little wonder he has earned the nickname ‘God’s chauffeur’. These are his tips for driving on black ice.

What is black ice?

Black ice is a very thin coating of ice that forms over a road surface. Because it is so thin and smooth, it can be difficult to see. In fact, from where a driver’s sitting, sometimes there is no discernible difference in the road conditions.

It forms when the road surface is wet and the temperature falls to 0 degrees Celsius or below. Black ice can also appear if moisture in the air condenses and forms dew or fog, and then the temperature dips below freezing point.

Why is black ice so dangerous?

Black ice: avoid a white-knuckle ride with this expert’s driving tips

“They call it invisible ice,” says Ripley. “And if your car loses control there is literally nothing you can do to regain it.”

Ripley explains that the steering won’t work, the brakes will have no effect and sudden changes in the position of the accelerator could lead to trouble. “You’re a passenger and a lot of luck is involved from that moment on,” adds the advanced driving expert.

How to drive safely on black ice

It sounds frightening, doesn’t it? But there’s a lot drivers can do to avoid a costly crunch caused by sliding off the road.

For starters, says Ripley, think before you set off on your journey. “Do you know if there may be black ice on the road? Yes you do – because you have just scraped ice off your car’s windscreen and windows. That means, think ahead, try and use main roads that are more likely to have been gritted, and reduce your speed.”

That last point riles Ripley. “Too few drivers adjust their speed according to the conditions. If you lose control on black ice at 50mph, the likelihood is you will crash at 50mph, because there’s no way to slow the car once it’s on the ice. So reduce your speed and look ahead.”

Ripley adds that on snow or ice, any gap to a vehicle in front should be 10 times what it is on dry roads because it takes so much longer to stop the car. He adds: “Don’t be fooled by four-wheel drive: it won’t help you one bit on black ice.”

What if your car loses control on ice?

You will feel the steering go light and it won’t respond. “Ease off the accelerator,” says Ripley. “Look where you want the car to go and hope that it’s a short stretch of black ice. Your brakes will have no effect, and sawing at the steering wheel could make matters worse.”

Ripley says drivers shouldn’t panic and must look for an escape route. He suggests that in some situations – such as when descending a hill – they may have to hope that their car is stopped by a wheel striking a kerb, rather than colliding with other vehicles.

Where black ice might be hiding

On main roads, black ice often forms on bridges or overpasses because they are elevated which allows cold air to pass beneath. It means the temperature of the road surface will be lower than at ground level.

Also beware of so-called frost pockets; on your local roads, you may well know where these are. They tend to be at the bottom of hills or valleys. And be wary of shaded stretches of road, where the sun can’t melt any ice. If you know of areas prone to running water, take extra care.

Paul Ripley advanced driving instructor advice for black ice

Paul Ripley is a world-respected authority on safer driving and driver education. Visit his website here

8 comments on “Black ice: avoid a white-knuckle ride with this expert’s driving tips

  1. Eric Hayman 19/01/2018 10:14 PM

    Re: “That last point riles Ripley. “Too few drivers don’t adjust their speed according to the conditions.”

    That should be: “That last point riles Ripley. “Too few drivers adjust their speed according to the conditions.”

    OR: “That last point riles Ripley. “Too many drivers don’t adjust their speed according to the conditions.”

  2. R lockwood 12/12/2018 8:47 PM

    What credentials does Me Ripley have does he think everybody is thick i have been a driver for more than fifty years and driven in all kinds of weather’s so I don’t need somebody telling me how to drive

  3. Phillip MacDonald 13/12/2018 10:19 AM

    Sound advice especially for new drivers. In adverse weather I think personally one should always ask theme selves if the journey is absolutely necessary.

  4. Keith Wales 13/12/2018 10:38 AM

    i agree reducing the accelerator level IMMEDIATELY, usually allows you to regain STABILITY AND CONTROL OF THE CAR as long as you are not using excessive speed for the road conditions.

  5. Arthur Zarb 13/12/2018 11:22 AM

    thank you for the tips.

  6. Steven Cobbold 14/12/2018 10:43 AM

    As a driver of almost 49 years who has been taught how to drive on a frozen lake, done Defensive Drivings courses (2), and various skid pan driving too. And I’ve raced for a few years. I’ve also been a member of IAM for 39 years, so I hope I have a valid opinion.

    I agree with what Paul Ripley, says but I would add the following:
    Paul says don’t use the accelerator or fight the steering – all good advice. I would add that if you have the presence of mind (that’s the really hard bit!), in a manual car,dip the clutch.
    The tyres have little chance to find grip on black ice, but engine braking or applying power uses up what little there might be. Do try to turn the steering, gently!, to keep the front wheels pointing in the direction you would want to go to get back to where you ought to be on the road.
    Then if your tyres do find the some grip they are least compromised and able to make the most of what grip is available (black ice does not go on forever – I have personal experience of a frightening incident that I recovered from when my tyres found some grip just before a lorry coming the other way reached me). If grip is suddenly restored – and it often is like that – your car will lurch to try to change direction to whatever way all 4 wheels are pointing – that’s when having the front wheel ready to ‘do the right thing’ for you matters.

    Paul is right – don’t brake, don’t steer violently and don’t try to power your way out.

    As far as the correct speed for conditions is concerned – I’m all for getting that bit right. Thing is, on a genuine sheet of black ice, any speed is a problem – it’s only the size of the potential accident that alters!

  7. John Taylor 14/12/2018 4:27 PM

    Sound advice

  8. sheila clark 17/12/2018 10:30 AM

    Interesting. But all makes so much sense

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