Test your parking knowledge with our cunning quiz

You’ve paid and displayed but do you know the rules? (Picture iStock/Circle Creative Studio)

It’s something we do in our cars on a daily basis but do you know your PCNs from your FPNs and your wardens from attendants? Our quiz is designed to give your parking knowledge a good workout.



Well done. You certainly know your parking. This was quite a tricky quiz but you’ve passed with flying colours. No ticket for you!

Bad luck. We hope you’ve learnt something useful from taking the quiz and that you won’t fall foul of any parking rules in future!

#1. What does a double yellow line painted on the road mean?

A double yellow line means you can’t park at any time unless signposting says otherwise. There are exceptions so you can stop to drop off passengers, load or unload as long as it’s continuous and Blue Badge holders can park for up to three hours.

#2. The fine cap for parking illegally on private land is…

The cap at £50 was introduced by the government in 2022 to protect drivers from “aggressive debt collection and unreasonable fees.”

#3. A Parking Charge Notice is the same as a fine

It’s false. A Parking Charge Notice is issued by a private parking contractor and it’s an invoice, not a fine. By entering and parking on private land you are agreeing to a contract with whoever owns the land – whether you know it or not. The Parking Charge Notice is an invoice for not abiding by the terms and conditions of that contract.

#4. Which of these can’t issue a parking ticket?

Traffic wardens are employed by the police to enforce parking on red routes. Parking attendants are local authority employees. Being pedantic, there is no such thing as a parking warden.

#5. Can you be clamped for parking on private land?

It is the last one. Clamping on private land became illegal in 2012. However, there can be exceptions to this. If there are, they should be outlined clearly on signposts. If you’ve been clamped on private land and can’t see any warning signs, you’re within your rights to call the police.

#6. How long do you have to pay a Penalty Charge Notice?

You must pay most parking tickets within 28 days. If you pay them within 14 days, you frequently get a 50% discount. If you don’t pay them within 28 days, you’ll get a charge certificate with a 50% increase in the fine. You’ll have to pay this within 14 days or you’ll get a court order demanding payment.

#7. What does a single yellow line mean?

A single yellow line allows you to park within certain hours. These will be shown on signposts. They are often the same times as other parking restrictions in the area. For example, you might not be able to park on a single yellow between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday but can park at any other time.

#8. What’s a Fixed Penalty Notice?

A Fixed Penalty Notice is issued by the police or one of their traffic wardens; a Penalty Charge Notice is issued by the local authority parking attendant.

#9. What does this sign mean?

It means the road is a clearway and there should be no stopping at any time.

#10. How many parking tickets are overturned when drivers appeal them?

According to a Freedom of Information request to local authorities, around two thirds of parking tickets are overturned when drivers appeal them. So if you get a ticket that you think is a bit dubious, it’s definitely worth a punt!


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