Quiz: Can you name all of these car badges?

Car badges

Are you a secret car spotter? When traffic grinds to a halt, do your eyes and mind wander to identifying all the makes and models of car on the road around you? If you recognise the description, then you may be able to name all of these car company logos.

The designs are all found on the front, or back, of current models that are sold in showrooms across Britain. Some may be familiar, others appear remarkably similar, and a few should have you racking your brain.

We’ve deliberately left out some of the better known names, such as Ford or Ferrari, because, well, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?

Let’s get started on a spot of badge spotting…





#1. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those badges.

#2. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#3. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#4. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those badges.

#5. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#6. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#7. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#8. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#9. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#10. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#11. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#12. Guess the car badge

Oops. Better brush up on badges.

#13. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#14. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#15. Guess the car badge

Oops. Better brush up on those badges.

#16. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#17. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#18. Guess the car badge

Oops. Better brush up on those badges.

#19. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.

#20. Guess the car badge

Oops! Better brush up on those car badges.


Now try our Highway Code quiz

6 comments on “Quiz: Can you name all of these car badges?

  1. mike sabel 14/11/2016 8:31 PM

    so what are the answers ?

    • James Mills 21/11/2016 5:39 PM

      Answers underlined in green are correct, any underlined in red are wrong. How did you score?

  2. Andy 21/11/2016 11:07 AM

    Even though you get them all correct, it says I got the DS (Citroen) one wrong when I selected Citroen – Mmmmm

    • James Mills 21/11/2016 5:34 PM

      Ah ha… that’s because DS is viewed as a standalone company these days. Try again.

  3. Maddox long 26/03/2019 8:32 AM

    Good quiz could be abit more challenging

  4. Peter Rowley 20/04/2021 5:51 PM

    too easy

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